Geothermal energy for ecological heat generation in Poland


  • PUBLISHED: September 13, 2017

Geothermal energy has a large potential for ecological heat generation in Poland. What is required for the optimum development of that essential sector is co-operation and use of the experiences possessed by the global leaders in the field. That purpose has been assigned to the international Project on “Geothermal energy – a basis for low-emission heating, improving living conditions and sustainable development – preliminary studies for selected areas in Poland,” implemented in July 2017.

The project is supported from the resources of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009-2014 and conducted by teams of leading Polish specialists on geothermal issues, from the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Project Leader), AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, and Wrocław University of Science and Technology, as well as foreign institutions: The National Energy Authority of Iceland and The Christian Michelsen Research AS in Norway, together with The European Geothermal Energy Council. The Project participants also include the representatives of Lądek-Zdrój, Konstantynów Łódzki, Poddębice, and Sochaczew, the towns for which specific geothermal feasibility studies will be drafted, involving local heat generation and pilot project proposals.

The Project has been initiated by the Polish Ministry of the Environment, and, in particular, the Government Plenipotentiary for National Raw Materials Policy and the Chief Geologist of Poland,  Prof. dr. hab. Mariusz Orion Jędrysek. The present project will contribute to the development of geo-heat generation in Poland, strengthening the relevant initiatives of the Polish government.

The two EEA  sponsoring countries are global leaders in Earth heat management: Iceland, owing to its geothermal steam and waters, and Norway, owing to its heat pumps. Polish geothermal heating is still at the initial stage of development (despite proper potential existing in many regions of the country), and, for that reason, our co-operation with the specialists of the leading countries is extremely important.

The Project will involve study visits in Poland, Norway, and Iceland, conferences, and promotional activities, as well as e.g. drafting of a versatile Report concerning the relevant feasibility studies andthe specific solution proposals whose implementation should contribute to a durable development of geothermal heat generation in the selected locations and the whole country.

We need to emphasize that this is the second geothermal heat generation project in Poland, supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism. It was preceded by a smaller project concluded in June 2017that concentrated on selected issues of Poddębice.

This Project opens way for long-expected co-operation between Poland, Iceland, and Norway, in the area of geothermal energy, under the EEA Financial Mechanisms and the Norwegian Funds in the years to come, providing an exceptional opportunities of joint projects and essential progress of geothermal water use in Poland.

The Project co-operators  are the Ministry of the Environment and National Fund for Environment Protection and Water Management, Poland.


Contact Person: Beata Kępińska

The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Phone: 18 207-3218, 601-403-476

E-mail: bkepinska(a)

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