The heat under your feet is an initiative launched in April 2015 within the framework of the ReGeoCities project to disseminate information and awareness about geothermal heat pumps in Europe and to promote their use.
Geothermal heat pumps – or ground source heat pumps, GSHP – are a modern technology that uses geothermal energy, the heat stored beneath the earth surface, for heating and cooling buildings. They can be used in a wide range of applications from small, residential houses to large individual buildings or complexes.
The average energy savings, if the technology is used properly, are as much as 50% in winter and 40% in summer. They can be installed everywhere and at anytime to provide flexible, reliable and sustainable renewable energy.
EGEC Geothermal |
The EU-supported project “ReGeoCities” (2012-2015) aimed to increase awareness for shallow geothermal energy and to improve the legal and regulatory framework. A main goal of the project was the integration of shallow geothermal energy use in local planning.
Smart Cities
Film 1 – Discover Geothermal – the heat under your feet
Film 2 – Shallow geothermal technology