On May 22nd, join the EURACTIV event supported by European Copper Institute, AEBIOM, EGEC and Solar Heat Europe on heating and cooling.
Today, several renewable technologies are available to decarbonise heating and cooling (H&C) – biomass, solar thermal, geothermal and efficient heat pumps. They are mature and ready to deliver but the market uptake of renewable energies in the H&C sector remains difficult.
With the Clean Energy Package being finalised, discussions on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) starting, and the mid-century decarbonisation roadmap underway, there is no better time to discuss how the H&C sector can contribute to the EU’s climate and energy objectives.
This stakeholder workshop, featuring a keynote speech by Director General for Energy Mr. Dominique Ristori, brings together policymakers and other experts to discuss the future of the H&C sector. Questions will include:
– How can Europe plan a fossil fuel phase-out up to 2050?
– Can renewable energies in H&C reach mass market?
– Considering the long investment cycles (15 years), what funding mechanisms have to be put in place to decarbonise the sector?
The event is free of charge.