EGEC Contribution to the French Pluriannual energy programming consultation


  • PUBLISHED: February 24, 2022

EGEC, on behalf of the European geothermal energy industry contributed to the stakeholder consultation process undertaken by the French climate and energy ministry ahead of the drafting of its next PPE (Programmation Pluriannuelle de l’Energie – Multiyear Energy Programming). This consultation comes in a context of vivid policy and legislative debates around the measures to increase the European’s greenhouse gas emission reduction from 40% in 2030 to 55% in 2030. In France especially, this debate is quite vivid around the geothermal energy industry which has not benefit from a suitable framework to allow it to meet the targets of the previous PPE. Most strikingly, the most recent revision of the PPE has led to an interruption of the support framework for geothermal power plants, a technology that is now widely promoted up to the French Energy Minister for its potential in enabling the resource independence of the country. The dramatic collapse of the French geothermal heat pump market is another salient issue, and the PPE must enable this technology to reach its potential especially for large buildings.

EGEC PPE contribution 2022_final

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