GEOENVI Workshop 17 April 2019, Rome, Italy: More information here

Deep geothermal has a great potential for development in many European countries. However, the advantages of using geothermal for power production and H&C are not widely known. Recently, deep geothermal energy production in some regions is confronted with a negative perception, particularly in terms of environmental performance, which could seriously hamper its market uptake. Thus, environmental impact assessment is a prerequisite to the deployment of the deep geothermal resources. The concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) allows analysis and comparison of the environmental impacts of different energy production technologies over their life cycle stages – from extraction of raw materials to production, transport, use and end-of-life.

In the framework of the H2020 programme, GEOENVI project, starting in November 2018 for 30 months, aims at engaging with both decision-makers and geothermal market actors, to adopt recommendations on environmental regulations and to promote the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology implementation by geothermal stakeholders.

The objective of the GEOENVI project is to answer environmental concerns in terms of both impacts and risks, by first setting an adapted methodology for assessing environment impacts to the project developers, and by assessing the environmental impacts and risks of geothermal projects operational or in development in Europe.

The project aims at proposing recommendations on harmonised European environmental regulations to the decision-makers, at elaborating simplified LCA models to assess environmental impacts and finally at communicating properly on environmental concerns.

GEOENVI Project Partners

  1. EGEC (Coordinator)
  2. Rete Geotermica (Italy)
  3. ENEL Green Power (Italy)
  4. COSVIG (Italy)
  5. CSGI-Italian Consortium of Research Group (Italy)
  6. CNR-IGG (Italy)
  7. BRGM Bureau des Ressources Géologiques et Minières (France)
  8. ES-géotermie (France)
  9. Paris Minetech (France)
  10. Mining and geological survey of Hungary (Hungary)
  11. ISOR (Iceland)
  12. GEORG (Iceland)
  13. Orkustofnun -OS (Iceland)
  14. VITO (Belgium)
  15. JESDER Jeotermal elektrik santral yatirimcilari dernegi (Turkey)
  16. Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
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