Energy price crisis



Environmental legislation, EU Climate and energy framework

Energy price crisis, Licensing and EIA, Renewable Energy Directive

EGEC Contribution to the Public consultation on permitting for renewable energy projects and power purchasing agreements

PUBLISHED: April 12, 2022

In a bid to accelerate renewable energy deployment, the European Commission is looking at means to accelerate permitting processes.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy price crisis, Geothermal electricity, Internal market for heat

GEOSMART Factsheet: geothermal and the energy price crisis

PUBLISHED: April 8, 2022

At the beginning of summer 2021, gas prices started increasing tremendously globally due to a wide array of factors, from an exceptionally cold winter in Europe in 2020, to macroeconomic fallouts of the COVID 19 pandemic, without mentioning geopolitics, to technical issues in infrastructure bottlenecks of the fossil fuel production infrastructure.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy price crisis, Recovery Plans

Call for an EU geothermal strategy

PUBLISHED: March 17, 2022

The geothermal sector needs you. It is vital to get the European Commission's regulatory, financial and political support behind the geothermal sector. This will allow it to identify and rectify regulatory and fiscal roadblocks to mass deployment of geothermal energy including sustainable mineral extraction.



Energy Transition, EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency, Energy price crisis

EGEC Action Plan: Eight point plan to REpowerEU with Geothermal

PUBLISHED: March 14, 2022

EGEC has published an action Plan for implementing geothermal in Europe and as a support for the European Institutions to implement the REpowerEU and face the energy crises. Eight actions to allow geothermal to REpowerEU. Geothermal heating, cooling and power has already saved 10 bcm of gas and other fossil energy imports from Russia.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy price crisis

Decreasing Europe’s dependency on gas imports through renewable heating and cooling

PUBLISHED: March 7, 2022

EGEC drafted a letter reaching out to the President of the European Commission to highlight the importance of geothermal energy in enabling the EU to meet its objectives of energy independence and mitigating the current energy price crisis as well as preventing future ones.



EU Climate and energy framework

2030 targets, Energy price crisis, European Green Deal, Renewable Energy Directive

Renewable Energy Directive 2022 Review: EGEC position paper

PUBLISHED: February 3, 2022

Geothermal heating, cooling, permanent electricity supply, underground thermal storage, and sustainable lithium extraction are critical solutions to meeting the EU’s 2030 and 2050 targets to avert the climate crisis.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy price crisis, EPBD, European Green Deal, Internal market for heat

European Commission publishes new proposals on the gas market and energy performance of buildings directive

PUBLISHED: December 16, 2021

Brussels, 15 December 2021 – Today the European Commission has released its proposals for establishing a new EU framework to decarbonise gas markets, promote hydrogen and reduce methane emissions.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency, Energy infrastructures, Energy price crisis, EPBD

Joint Letter: Energy efficient, renewables-based and flexible buildings integrated in the energy system: the key features of a revised EPBD supporting climate neutrality

PUBLISHED: October 28, 2021

The EPBD revision should apply the Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle in a way that stimulates integrated renovations aiming at highly energy efficient, renewable-based and flexible buildings integrated in the increasingly variable energy system. The entire building stock should become capable of adjusting their very low energy consumption, their on-site renewable generation and their energy storage potential in response to external signals. This holistic approachto the implementation of the EE1st principle leads to multiple benefits such as emissions reductions, grid optimisation and system efficiency. It also delivers tangible benefits to citizens, including the most vulnerable ones, strengthens the EU’s clean energy industrial leadership, boosts local job creation and economic recovery.   Download the full joint letter



EU Climate and energy framework, Financing

Energy infrastructures, Energy price crisis, European Green Deal

Joint Press Release: Europe must diversify its renewable energy supply to avoid future shocks

PUBLISHED: October 26, 2021

Brussels 26 October: Reacting to the conclusions of the extraordinary Energy Council, the heads of 7 renewable energy associations call upon Europe to prioritise the diversification of renewable energy supply as a matter of urgency. A wider range of renewables will deliver a cleaner energy system that protects citizens and businesses from future energy shocks. To deliver on this 100% renewables future, action is needed now: • The revised Renewables Directive needs a sub-target to incentivise national governments to roll out innovative and diverse renewable sources by 2030; • The 2022-23 Horizon Europe Work Programme should prioritise diverse renewable energy technologies with the greatest potential for innovation and scale-up; • The European Commission needs to start modelling how a system of diverse renewables will operate, and to inform policy-making with these findings.   Download the full PR text

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