European Technology and Innovation Platforms



In terms of governance, R&I efforts to accelerate the deployment of cost-effective low carbon technologies have been organised under the so-called Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan, based on a three pillar implementation structure: a Steering Group, European Industrial Initiatives (EIIs) and the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and is supported by an information system (SETIS). Geothermal has been included in the SET- Plan through the geothermal panel of the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) on whose aim is to develop strategic research priorities and implementation roadmaps for the sector. The Energy Union strategy increased the focus on geothermal technology, with the launch of a dedicated ETIP on deep geothermal energy in 2016.

The Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive, the Governance Regulation also affect European national support to innovation in the renewable energy sector. The Governance regulation in this regard is particularly important as it sets up a framework in which Member States are invited to engage in the planning of their energy policies and energy mixes on the long term, and set plans for supporting innovative renewable technologies.

There are two ETIPs that are working directly on the geothermal sector:
– The geothermal panel of the RHC Platform looks at the contribution of geothermal heating and cooling technologies (shallow and deep) to the decarbonisation of the European heating and cooling sector. The RHC platform gathers several RES-HC sectors and looks at sectorial and thematic (cities, industry,…) R&I priorities for decarbonisation of heating and cooling;
– The ETIP Deep Geothermal works on identifying and fostering the research and innovation priorities of the deep geothermal sector, both for electricity, cogeneration and heating and cooling projects.

RHC Platform


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